Proceedings of International Conferences 


Proceedings of International Conferences (48) (in progress, check the latest conference papers at: LINK)

(I48) Xisto C., Pascoa J.C., Trancossi M., (2015) “Numerical analysis of design parameters with strong influence on the aerodynamic efficiency of a small-scale self-pitch VAWT”, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition – IMECE 2015, Houston, November 13–19 2015, ASME Paper IMECE2015-51581, pp. 12. Numerical analysis of design parameters with strong influence on the aerodynamic efficiency of a small-scale self-pitch VAWT (I48)  Frederico Rodrigues, Rute Lopes, Marcelo Francisco, José Páscoa, Mohammadmahdi Abdollahzadehsangroudi,(2024) Numerical Investigation of Blocked Microchannel Heat Sink Configurations With Porous Fins,ASME 2024 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting collocated with the ASME 2024 Heat Transfer Summer Conference and the ASME 2024 18th International Conference on Energy Sustainability

NUMERICAL INVESTIGATION OF BLOCKED MICROCHANNEL HEAT SINK CONFIGURATIONS WITH POROUS FINS (I47) Rodrigues F., Pascoa J.C., Dias F., Abdollahzadeh M., (2015) “Plasma Actuators for Boundary Layer Control of Next Generation Nozzles”, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition – IMECE 2015, Houston, November 13–19 2015, ASME Paper IMECE2015-52193, pp. 8. Plasma actuators for boundary layer control of next generation nozzles (I46) Leger J., Pascoa J. C., Xisto C., (2015) “3D Effects in Cyclorotor Propulsion Systems”, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition – IMECE 2015, Houston, November 13–19 2015, ASME Paper IMECE2015-52173, pp. 8. 3D effects in cyclorotor propulsion systems (I45) Trancossi M., Dumas A., Cimarelli A., Pascoa J. C., (2015) “MAAT cruiser/feeder airship design: intrinsic stability and energetic flight model”, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition – IMECE 2015, Houston, November 13–19 2015, ASME Paper IMECE2015-53301, pp. 16. Maat cruiser/feeder airship design: Intrinsic stability and energetic flight model (I44) Dias F., Páscoa J., Xisto C., Abdollahzadeh M., Rodrigues F., (2015) “Simulação CFD de alhetas de saída com atuadores DBD para a tubeira HOMER”, In International Conference on Engineering ICEUBI’2015, Covilhã, Portugal, 2-4 Dezembro, Paper No. 10.02, pp. 6.

(I43) Rodrigues F., Páscoa J., Dias F., (2015) “Caracterização da potência consumida por atuadores a plasma DBD para controlo da camada limite”, In International Conference on Engineering ICEUBI’2015, Covilhã, Portugal, 2-4 Dezembro, Paper No. 10.03, pp. 8.

(I42) Trancossi, M., Dumas, A., Niccolai, G., and Pascoa, J., (2015) “Energy Self Sufficient Aircrafts Can Become Reality through New Propulsion Design Approaches,” SAE Technical Paper 2015-01-2484, pp. 8. Energy Self Sufficient Aircrafts Can Become Reality through New Propulsion Design Approaches (I41) Trancossi, M., Bingham, C., Capuani, A., Das, S., Páscoa, J.C. et al., (2015) “Multifunctional Unmanned Reconnaissance Aircraft for Low-Speed and STOL Operations,” SAE Technical Paper 2015-01-2465, pp. 10. Multifunctional Unmanned Reconnaissance Aircraft for Low-Speed and STOL Operations (I40) Trancossi, M., Dumas, A., Madonia, M., Subhash, M. Páscoa J.C., (2015) “Preliminary Implementation Study of ACHEON Thrust and Vector Electrical Propulsion on a STOL Light Utility Aircraft,” SAE Technical Paper 2015-01-2422, pp. 12. Preliminary Implementation Study of ACHEON Thrust and Vector Electrical Propulsion on a STOL Light Utility Aircraft (I39) Silvestre, M.A.R., Morgado, J., Alves, P., Santos, P., Gamboa, P., Páscoa, J.C. (2015) “Low Reynolds Number Propeller Performance Testing”, 5th WSEAS International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Heat & Mass Transfer, pp. 1-11.

(I38) Páscoa, J. C., Rodrigues, F., Das, S. S., Abdollahzadeh, M, Dumas, A., Trancossi, M., Subhash, M. (2014), “Exit flow vector control on a Coanda nozzle using dielectric barrier discharge actuator” ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition – IMECE 2014, Montreal, November 14–20 2014, pp. V001T01A006; 8 pages. Exist flow vector control on a Coanda nozzle using Dielectric Barrier Discharge actuator (I37) Xisto, C. M., Páscoa, J. C., Leger, J. A., Trancossi, M. (2014), “Wind Energy Production Using An Optimized Variable Pitch Vertical Axis Rotor” ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition – IMECE 2014, Montreal, November 14–20, pp. V001T01A007; 8 pages. Wind energy production using an optimized variable pitch vertical axis rotor (I36) Xisto, C. M., Páscoa, J. C., Leger, J. A. (2014), “Cycloidal Rotor Propulsion System With Plasma Enhanced Aerodynamics” ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition – IMECE 2014, Montreal, November 14–20, pp. V001T01A005; 8 pages. Cycloidal rotor propulsion system with Plasma Enhanced aerodynamics (I35) Xisto, C. M., Páscoa, J. C., Leger, J. A., Gerlach, A. (2014) “Multi-Dielectric Barrier Discharge plasma actuator for cycloidal rotor active flow control”, 4th EASN Association International Workshop on Flight Physics and Aircraft Design, Aachen, Germany, October, 27-29.

(I34) Leger, J. A, Páscoa, J. C., Xisto, C. M. (2014) “Aerodynamic Optimization of Cyclorotors”, 4th EASN Association International Workshop on Flight Physics and Aircraft Design, Aachen, Germany, October, 27-29.

(I33) Carlos M Xisto, José C Páscoa, Jakson A Leger, Pierangelo Masarati, Giuseppe Quaranta, Marco Morandini, Louis Gagnon, D Wills, M Schwaiger, (2014) “Numerical modeling of geometrical effects in the performance of a cycloidal rotor”, ECCM 6th European Conference on Computational fluid dynamics, Paper No. P1848, pp. 1 -12.

(I32) Trancossi, M., Dumas, A., Xisto, C. M., Páscoa, J. C., Andrisani, A. (2014), “Roto-Cycloid propelled airship dimensioning and energetic equilibrium” SAE 2014 Aerospace System and Technology Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, September 23-25, Paper Number 2014-01-2107, pp. 11. Roto-cycloid propelled airship dimensioning and energetic equilibrium (I31) Gagnon, L., Morandini, M., Quaranta, G., Muscarello, V., Masarati, P., Bindolino, G., Xisto, C. M., Pascoa, J. C. (2014) “Feasibility Assesment: A Cycloidal Rotor to Replace Conventional Helicopter Technology”, Proc. European Rotorcraft Forum 2014, Southampton, UK, September 2–5 2014, pp. 1395-1408.

(I30) Gagnon, L., Quaranta, G., Morandini, M., Masarati, P., Lanz, M., Xisto, C.M., Páscoa, J.C. (2014) “Aerodynamic and aeroelastic analysis of a cycloidal rotor” 44th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, AIAA Paper 2014-2450, pp. 19. Aerodynamic and aeroelastic analysis of a cycloidal rotor (I29) Xisto, C. M., Páscoa, J. C., and Oliveira, P. J. (2013) “Numerical Modelling of a Self-Field Magnetoplasmadynamic Thruster”, In International Conference on Engineering UBI2013, Covilhã, Portugal, 27-29 Novembro, pp. 10.

(I28) Leger, J. A., Páscoa, J. C., and Xisto, C. M. (2013). “Kinematic and Dynamic Parametric Analysis of Cycloidal Rotor Thrusters”, In International conference on Engineering UBI2013, Covilhã, Portugal, 27-29 Novembro, pp 6.

(I27) Shyam S. Das, J. C. Páscoa, A. Dumas, M. Trancossi (2013). “3D CFD modeling in the Novel ACHEON Propulsion System”, In International Conference on Engineering UBI2013, Covilhã, Portugal, 27-29 Novembro, pp. 8.

(I26) Baptista A.R., Santos F.M.B.C., Páscoa J. C. (2013), “CPM na Gestão de Projectos multinacionais de investigação tecnológica no âmbito Europeu”, In International Conference on Engineering UBI2013, Covilhã, Portugal, 27-29 Novembro, pp. 9.

(I25) Rodrigues F., Páscoa J.C., Dumas A., Trancossi M. (2013), “Preliminary design, set?up and testing of a plasma DBD actuator for boundary layer control”, In International Conference on Engineering UBI2013, Covilhã, Portugal, 27-29 Novembro, pp. 6.

(I24) Machado, T., Pascoa, J.C., Brojo, F., Xisto, C. (2013) “Numerical modeling of turbulent transitional MHD flow for boundary layer control”, SAE 2013 AeroTech Congress & Exhibition, SAE Technical Paper No. 2013-09-17, pp.8. Numerical modeling of turbulent transitional MHD flow for boundary layer control (I23) Monteiro, J., Pascoa, J.C., Xisto, C. (2013) “Analytical modeling of a cyclorotor in forward flight” SAE Technical Papers, SAE 2013 AeroTech Congress & Exhibition, SAE Technical Paper No. 2013-01-2271, pp. 10. Analytical modeling of a cyclorotor in forward flight (I22) Trancossi, M., Pascoa, J. (2013) “Thermojet: An old idea can define a novel family of jets”, SAE 2013 AeroTech Congress & Exhibition, SAE Technical Paper No. 2013-01-2205, pp. 11. Thermojet: An old idea can define a novel family of jets (I21) Xisto, C.M., Páscoa, J.C., Oliveira, P.J. (2013) “Modelling plasma flow on a self-field MPD thruster using a PISO based method”, 44th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, AIAA Paper 2013-2627, pp10. Modelling plasma flow on a self-field MPD thruster using a PISO based method (I20) Morgado, J., Silvestre, M.A.R., Páscoa, J.C. (2013) “Full range airfoil polars for propeller blade element momentum analysis”, 2013 International Powered Lift Conference, AIAA Paper 2013-4379, pp.10. Full range airfoil polars for propeller blade element momentum analysis (I19) Silvestre, M.A.R., Morgado, J., Páscoa, J.C. (2013) “JBLADE: A propeller design and analysis code” 2013 International Powered Lift Conference, AIAA Paper 2013-4220, pp.12. JBLADE: A propeller design and analysis code (I18) Xisto, C.M., Páscoa, J.C., Oliveira, P.J. (2013) “Numerical modelling of electrode geometry effects on a 2D self-field MPD thruster” ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Paper No. IMECE2013-63144, pp. V001T01A051, 10 pages. Numerical modelling of electrode geometry effects on a 2D self-field MPD thruster (I17) Leger, J.A., Páscoa, J.C., Xisto, C.M.(2013) “Analytic model able to assist in parametric design of cycloidal rotor thrusters” ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Paper No. IMECE2013-65238, pp. V001T01A053; 12 pages. Analytic model able to assist in parametric design of cycloidal rotor thrusters (I16) Abdollahzadeh M., Páscoa J. C. , Oliveira P.J. (2012), “Numerical investigation on efficiency increase in high altitude propulsion systems using plasma actuators”, in Proc. European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, ECCOMAS 2012, Paper No. 3213, pp. 6563-6581.

(I15) Xisto C.M., Páscoa J. C. , Oliveira P.J. (2012), “Introduction of a new algorithm for the MHD equations at all Mach number regimes”, in Proc. European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, ECCOMAS 2012, Paper No. 3212, pp. 6515-6562.

(I14) C.M. Xisto, J.C. Páscoa, P.J. Oliveira, D.A. Nicolini (2011), “Proposal and Testing of a New Hybrid Pressure Density Based Algorithm for MPD Thruster Simulations”, in Proc. Métodos Numéricos em Engenharia 2011, CMNE 2011, APMTAC, pp. 11.

(I13) Xisto C.M., Páscoa J. C. , Oliveira P.J. (2011), “Reformulation of the PISO method for predicting flows at all speeds using AUSM+up flux definitions”, in Proc. International Conference on Engineering ICEUBI’2011, pp. 18, Universidade da Beira Interior Portugal.

(I12) Xisto C.M., Páscoa J.C., Oliveira P.J., Nicolini D.A. (2010), “Implementation of a 3D compressible MHD Solver Able to Model Transonic Flows”, in Proc. V European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics ECCOMAS CFD 2010, pp. 14.

(I11) Silva F.J., Páscoa J.C. , Pinheiro J.S., Martins D.J. (2010), “Turbulent Flowstructure Computation Inside a Pump PAT Using an Industrial Benchmark Test Case”, in Proc. V European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics ECCOMAS CFD 2010, Paper No. 01521, 12 pp.

(I10) Páscoa J.C., Brójo F. M. P., Monteiro J. M. M. (2009), “Numerical Simulation of Magnetoplasma Thrusters for Aerospace Propulsion Using and MHD Formulation”, Proc. 14th International Conference on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems, Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear, Paper O7.2, pp. 6.

(I9) Monteiro J. M. M., Páscoa J. C., Brójo F . M. R. P. (2009), “Simulation of the Aerodynamic Behavior of a Micro Wind Turbine”, Proc. ICREPQ’09International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality, European Association for the Development of Renewable Energies, Environment and Power Quality, Paper No. 368, pp. 6.

(I8) Páscoa J. C., Xisto C. M. C. (2008), “Computational Modeling of Sweep and Lean Effects on 3D Turbine Blades for Performance assessment”, Proc. ENCIT 2008 12th Brazilian Congress of Thermal Engineering and Sciences, Associação Brasileira de Engenharia eCiências Mecânicas, pp. 8.

(I7) Páscoa J. C., Mendes A. C., Gato L. M. C. (2008), “Redesigning Annular Turbine Blade Rows Using a Viscous-Inviscid Inverse Design Method”, Proc. ASME Turbo Expo 2008, ASME Paper GT2008-50313, pp. 2209-2217. Redesigning annular turbine blade rows using a viscous-inviscid inverse design method (I6) Páscoa J. C., Mendes A. C., (2006), “Turbine Blade Duty Re-Design by Controlling Lean and Sweep Using an Innovative Iterative Inverse Design Method”, Proc. ASME Turbo Expo 2006, ASME Paper GT2006-90266, pp. 6. Turbine blade duty re-design by controlling lean and sweep using an innovative iterative inverse design method (I5) Páscoa J. C., Mendes A. C., (2005), “A Imposição da Carga num Método de Projecto Aerodinâmico de Pás de Turbomáquinas”, Proc. VII Congreso de Metodos Numéricos en la Ingenieria (em CD), Universidad de Granada, pp. 12.

(I4) Páscoa J. C., Mendes A. C., Gato L. C., (2004), “An Improved Inverse Design Method for Blades of Finite Thickness”, Proc. International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences (Ed.: S.N. Atluri; A.J.B. Tadeu), pp. 581-586,TechScience Press.

(I3) Páscoa J. C., Mendes A. C., Gato L. C., Borges J.E.T., (2003), “Um Método Numérico para Projecto de Cascatas de Pás de Turbomáquinas em Regime Transónico”, Proc. VI Congresso IberoAmericano de Engenharia Mecânica – CIBEM 6, Universidade de Coimbra, pp. 1537-1542.

(I2) Mendes A. C., Martins A. M., Marques B. T., Páscoa J. C., (2003), “Projecto e Análise de Desempenho do Rotor de um Ventilador Axial Industrial”, Proc. VI Congresso IberoAmericano de Engenharia Mecânica – CIBEM 6, Universidade de Coimbra, pp. 1531-1536.

(I1) Páscoa J. C., Mendes A. C., Gato L. C., (2002), “Projecto de Cascatas de Pás Rectilíneas Através de um Método Inverso Baseado na Resolução das Equações de Euler”, Proc. V Congreso de Metodos Numéricos en la Ingenieria (em CD), Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, pp. 13.
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